Monday, December 31, 2012

Thank you, 2012!

It doesn't seem like it was that long ago when I was feeling the hope, excitement, and thoughts of a clean slate while ringing in 2012 as the new year.  Now it's the last day and I'm excited for 2013. 

This year was a true growing year for me:
At the end of 2011, I started an "experiment" of not eating meat.  I started by just doing it for one week, then two, then three, etc.  I didn't call myself vegetarian because I wasn't sure if I would stick to it.  Well, in 2012, I officially claimed myself as vegetarian and I haven't eaten even the slightest bit of meat since September 2011.  My eating habits have greatly improved, I understand my body's cravings much better now, and I am really happy with my decision both physically and mentally.  I have no plans to go back. 

I learned how to be a better wife.  Our marriage has always been great but there is always room for improvement.  In 2012, I truly made efforts to be a better listener, acknowledge his needs, and really try to be the best friend, wife, and partner I can be.  I love that man to pieces!

I learned how to be a better friend.  This year I realized that I needed to be a better friend to my oldest and dearest friends who live 500 miles away.  I also made some new friends this year and have learned the value of really prioritizing and making efforts to be a good friend, even if I am busy or tired or lazy.  It's definitely an effort that is easy to make and has a great return.  Hold tight to those true friends.

I have realized that I *need* to create every day.  It doesn't matter how little or big it is.  If I don't create on a regular basis, I become out of sorts and depressed.  I need that outlet and it makes me a better me.

Lastly, I've learned to hold on tight to my dreams.  Sometimes they have to be put on the back burner for a while and new dreams need to be created for the meantime.  However, I haven't lost sight of my dreams and am working hard to make them come true.  More to come in 2013!

So thanks, 2012, I've learned a lot and, while tough sometimes, you have helped me to grow and improve. 

My last photo to post in 2012 is of an acorn.  An acorn symbolizes many things to different cultures and people.  I personally like its symbol of strength and growth which definitely wraps up my year in one photo.  2012 gifted me with strength I didn't know I had and a lot of growth.  I hope you enjoy a safe New Year's Eve with the people you hold dearest.

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